BRASSTRAIL GbR – Maria & Michael Müller

Duet Series Vol.2


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15 Concert Duets for Baritone, Euphonium & Tenorhorn

The following collection includes 15 concert duets, which were composed and arranged especially for the instruments baritone, euphonium, and tenorhorn. These are arrangements of classical pieces from the baroque to the modern era, as well as new compositions covering different styles. Look forward to 15 exciting duets!


1. Danza barocca (M. Sturm
2. Flowers (M. Sturm)
3. Fuge in G-Moll (J.S. Bach)
4. The Strenous Life (S. Joplin)
5. Chill out! (M. Sturm)
6. Allegro (G.P. Telemann)
7. Rondò alla Turca (W.A. Mozart)
8. Flowing River (M. Sturm)
9. Allegro Scherzoso (F.A. Kummer)
10. Springtime (M. Sturm)
11. Cuba Libre (M. Sturm)
12. Wade in the water (Spiritual)
13. Schiffwirt´s Leo sagt “Rumba” (D. Häusler)
14. Gankino Oro (Bulgarian Folk Dance)
15. Lost in thoughts (M. Sturm)

Level of Difficulty:

Edition German/English, 29 pages



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bass clef,  treble clef

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